Okay, Julia and I had
no idea when we signed off a few weeks ago that we'd be MIA for so long. Sorry, guys! It certainly wasn't planned, but the end of the summer got really busy, and then a tree fell on our garage and car after a storm, then a much
bigger storm came —Hurricane Irene (thankfully we made it through without losing power or getting any flooding in our basement) — and next thing we knew it was time to start school...
Which leads us to today's post. Look, Julia and I started school today! It was my first day of nursery school — my first day of school, period — and Julia's first day of pre-K. Don't we look so cute on our first day?
We had a terrific first day (I ran right in, without a glance back), though unfortunately there were some tears shed. Julia got weepy as Mom and Dad left, and I was having so much fun that I refused to leave when Babcia and Dido showed up at the end of the morning, and threw a huge fit!
We apologize again for the lack of blogging. Rest assured that we have lots of great video and photos to share with you (starting with, yes, Wildwood), and we'll get to it soon! Promise!