Dad promised me last week that if I was a good girl all week, when we went to Grandma and Grandpa's for the weekend, he'd take me to a special surprise place that I had never been before. I did just that, and Dad took Henry and me to this amazing place called Clementon Amusement Park. Grandma, Aunt Paula (who was in town to celebrate her birthday) and Aunt Jess also came along.
Henry got so giddy when he realized we were at an amusement park: he was shrieking, clapping his hands and jumping up and down. There were no lines, so Henry and I went from kiddie ride to kiddie ride. Take a look:
There was so much other fun stuff to do as well. They had an elaborate jungle gym area that was two or three times the size of the one at Unbelieva-Bills. I navigated it like a pro, and kept sliding down the twisty slides, and then climbing right back up (as in, back up the slide, the same way I came down!). There was also a crazy mirror that made me look so silly (see above)! And Dad, Aunt Paula, Aunt Jess and I went on the log flume ride, and got completely soaked! It was great!
It was the perfect beginning to a terrific weekend with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Paula, Aunt Jess and Uncle Ryan — one that we'll tell you all about in the coming days!