I can't believe Julia and I forgot to tell you about all the fun we had a few weeks ago at Taryn's 3rd birthday party. She had it at Kids U, which is this fun hybrid of Little Gym and Incredi-Bills. Julia had a blast navigating her way through the jungle gym and slides...
I enjoyed that too, but also had fun on the rocking horses. Here's a video of all the fun we had there.
Want to know how I spent Valentine's Day last week? Opening my cards. Two cards in particular: a Thomas card that makes an engine sound when it's opened, and even better, a Lightning McQueen card that plays "Life is a Highway" from the Cars movie when it's opened.
Julia had a musical card too, one with Disney Princesses.
You can see the card in the above photo, but I'm sure you weren't looking at that. Instead, you were concentrating on the dozens of barrettes and hairbands in her hair!
She went a little crazy that day: apparently she likes either nothing in her hair—or everything! Here's a view from the back:
And here's a Valentine's Day video, showing me with my two favorite cards, and Julia with all of her crazy hair accessories.
As I mentioned yesterday, all that Mom wanted for her birthday was to go out for sushi as a family. So we all visited the sushi restaurant that Mom and Dad get takeout from at least once a week. Henry and I had never been there before, and we really enjoyed it. When we sat down, they gave each of us a hot hand towel. How fancy!
I kept wiping my hands with mine, and came up with some other fun uses for it too.
Henry, meanwhile, was content to drink his water and suck on a lemon (just like I used to do!).
Mom had gotten us special chopsticks for kids, which I was playing with while we waited for our meal.
I quickly got the hang of it, and picked up my napkin with them as a test run.
Then it was finally time to eat. First up was shumai (dumplings)....
Mmmmm, delicious! I had some chicken satay as well, which I really enjoyed. Mom and Dad got me an avocado sushi roll to try, but I passed on that this time. I think trying two new dishes was enough for one meal!
Henry also figured out how to use his chopsticks.
But then he devised his own way of using them.
Here's a video of our first family sushi outing:
What a great meal! And this also marked the debut of photos and movies shot with Mom and Dad's new and improved iPhones. We'll still use the camcorder for most of the videos, but it's handy to have another option when we don't have the camcorder with us!
Saturday was Mom's birthday, and Dad, Henry and I made sure that she had a fun one. (Actually, it was all Mom: we spent the day doing things that she suggested.) At night, we had a Carvel ice cream cake, which is her favorite. And Babcia and Dido came over to celebrate with us as well.
Earlier in the day, the four of us drove into the city to attend a special children's theater performance of Princess and the Pea. Henry and I got to sit right up front...
...and interact with the prince and princess on stage. They were so silly!
That wasn't all we did for Mom's birthday. For the first time ever, the whole family went out for sushi...but I'll tell you about that tomorrow!
I can admit now that I was not on my best behavior for much of the fall, especially during the week when Babcia was watching me. But so far in 2011, I have been much improved, to the amazement of my parents and both sets of grandparents. Of course, I still do have the occasional day where I'm in a rotten mood. But more often than not, it just means that I'm really tired. And because I refuse to nap anymore, I inevitably end up falling asleep from exhaustion in the car, or on the living room floor...or even in the shopping cart while Mom is grocery shopping:
Shhhhhh! I'll be in a much better mood when I wake up, I promise!
I hadn't been feeling great for the past week. First I threw up a couple times one night, then I had diarrhea for much of the end of the week. I spent most of the weekend sucking on Pedialtye pops and little else. All I wanted was cheese, but no one would give me any. But now, I'm happy to report that I'm feeling much better!
A week after I sat in on Julia's dance class, it was time for her to visit me during my last Little Gym class of the semester. But rather than just observe, she joined me and Dad for the whole class.
Mom, Babcia and Dido were also there to watch me, so I was very distracted as I showed off everything I learned during the semester. But I forgot all about them as soon as they inflated the air track for me to jump around on.
For the moment I get inside the gym, I have a one-track mind: "balls"! Finally it was time for us to play with them.
The class (and the semester) concluded with a ribbon ceremony. My teacher Miss Sam was nice enough to let Julia hand me my ribbon.
It was a great day. But I'm very sad that Miss Sam (who also used to be Julia's teacher) is leaving the Little Gym staff and won't be my teacher anymore now I've moved on to the bigger class.
A couple weeks ago, Henry and I rediscovered the Wiggles. At first, we were fixated on the Pop Go the Wiggles DVD of nursery rhymes and songs, but lately, we've gotten more interested in the You Make Me Feel Like Dancing DVD, which features songs that we just can't help boogying to. Take a look:
Because Dad was so busy on his actual birthday last Thursday, we waited until Saturday to celebrate. The wait was well worth it because Julia and I got some delicious cupcakes to munch on (courtesy of Mr. Cupcakes). Julia finally got to taste a red velvet cupcake, while I was content with my yummy "Plain Jane" vanilla cupcake.
Recently, I've been going out lots of playdates after school with Isabella (here we are at her house last week). We've been having so much fun together!
Speaking of cute photos, here's another one that we took of me at the toy store. Look, I found Nemo!
Even though we've been having multiple blizzards a week, until now I hadn't ventured out in the snow thanks to my various colds and ear infections. But Saturday I finally slipped into my snowsuit and headed out to do some sledding.
It was very strange trying to walk on that big snowsuit! Then we all headed to the big sledding hill around the bend from our house. Mom and Dad started me off on the small sled...
But once I saw Dad and Julia head down the hill on the big sled...
I wanted to go with them! So they made room for me...
I had fun, but after one trip down the hill I'd had enough and wanted to spend the rest of the time at the top of the hill with Mom. But Dad and Julia went down a few more times, and I could hear Julia squealing with delight all the way down. Here's a video of our sledding trip:
By the way, happy birthday Dad! I hope there's a yummy birthday cake for us to eat toinght!
Thanks for stopping by! We've both been blogging up a storm since literally the day we were born. Check back frequently for the latest news about our hectic lifestyles, along with plenty of cute photos and videos. (To find out what Julia was up to before Henry came along, visit JuliaMadeline.com.)
And please don't forget to send a message to Julia and Henry! Whether you'd like to contribute a question for an upcoming Ask Julia & Henry column or just say hello, we'd love to hear from you.
Julia's Tweets: Actual things I've said
Henry's Tweets: My latest amazing feats
Our current stats
Julia Age: 5 years Height: 45 1/4 inches Weight: 47 lbs. Clothing size: 6T
Henry Age: 3 years Height: 38 1/2 inches Weight: 31 lbs. Clothing size: 3T
Our blog glossary
Babcia (BOP-cha)/Bobbi – Babcia is the Ukrainian word for grandmother. This is what Julia and Henry call their Mom's mother. (Their Dad's mother is called Grandma.) Julia had trouble pronouncing Babcia at first, so Babcia shortened it to Bobbi — her late brother was named Bobby —which was easier for Julia to say. So now Julia knows her as Bobbi.
Dido (DEE-doh) – Ukrainian word for grandfather. This is what Julia and Henry call their Mom's father. (Their Dad's father is called Grandpa.)
Mnohaya lita (MNO-high-ya LEE-ta) – A Ukrainian celebratory phrase uttered at almost all festive occasions. It is also a song sung at weddings, birthdays and other times when congratulations are in order.
Pipa (PIP-ah) – Pypka is the Ukrainian word for pacifier, but Julia shortened that to pipa.