Even though we've been having multiple blizzards a week, until now I hadn't ventured out in the snow thanks to my various colds and ear infections. But Saturday I finally slipped into my snowsuit and headed out to do some sledding.
It was very strange trying to walk on that big snowsuit! Then we all headed to the big sledding hill around the bend from our house. Mom and Dad started me off on the small sled...
But once I saw Dad and Julia head down the hill on the big sled...
I wanted to go with them! So they made room for me...
I had fun, but after one trip down the hill I'd had enough and wanted to spend the rest of the time at the top of the hill with Mom. But Dad and Julia went down a few more times, and I could hear Julia squealing with delight all the way down. Here's a video of our sledding trip:
By the way, happy birthday Dad! I hope there's a yummy birthday cake for us to eat toinght!