The day before Easter, Julia and I were busy with lots of Easter activities, including another Easter egg hunt (we were going to do it in the backyard, but it poured so we had to do it indoors). Then we donned our fancy Easter outfits to go to Babcia and Dido's Ukrainian church for the annual blessing of the Easter baskets. See how spiffy I look!
And Julia too! What a terrific Easter dress!
Julia also had a special Easter bonnet and jacket—the same jacket that Babcia Helen (Babcia's Mom) made for Mom when Mom was a kid!

Here we all are at the blessing of the baskets.
We had three baskets to be blessed. Julia's is on the left, then mine, then Babcia and Dido's. It was a little too crowded for my tastes, so I ran around with Dad in the stairwell while the blessing was going on.
After the blessing, we went out to dinner with Babcia and Dido and had a special surprise: any impromptu run-in with the Easter Bunny!

Here's a video recap of our jam-packed Easter Saturday:
And Sunday was even better! We'll tell you about it tomorrow.