Henry's had his chance to talk about turning two; now it's my turn to talk about my terrific 4th birthday. I got a second Ranpuzel cake for my actual birthday celebration. Isn't it great?
I loved it! It was delicious too!
Here's a video of my birthday, including some of the gifts I got, including a surprise gift from Mom and Dad:
So technically, I didn't have a birthday party like Julia did, but in truth I barely noticed. Because Mom and Dad smartly listened to me when I asked for balloons and made sure the house was filled with them on my special day. Look, it's Lightning McQueen!
And Thomas, which I pretended was a big toy train. Choo-choo!
Speaking of trains, Mom and Dad got me the best birthday gift: a Chuggington train set. Chuggington is the other train TV show I like. This set is great because it shoots the trains out so fast that they go upside down in a loop.
Traintastic! (as Koko is found of saying)
Here's a video of all the fun I had with my birthday balloons. Julia and I got so excited when we saw Dad come in with them!
And here's a look at me opening - and playing with - my Chuggington set.
It's my fourth birthday today! Mom and Dad got things started two weeks ago when they gave me an early birthday present: a bike with training wheels. Thanks to lots of help from Dido, I'm already getting good at pedaling.
And my new bike has also inspired me to do something I haven't ever really done: take an interest in my tricycle.
And for the first time since I got it two years ago, I'm also using my scooter again.
Better late than never, right?
Here's a video of me riding my bike, tricycle and scooter:
I'll fill you in on my birthday festivities later on!
Guess who's 2? Me, that's who! My birthday was on Sunday, and what a happy birthday it was! The day before, I told Dad that I had three requests for my birthday: balloons, cake and presents. Make that, Lightning McQueen balloons, cake and presents. I'm happy to say I got them all — and much, much more!
Check out that cake! I told Dad at the end of the day that this was my favorite part of my whole birthday.
I know what you're thinking: it was my favorite part because the cake was so delicious, right? Well, the cake was yummy, and indeed I couldn't stop myself from tasting it...
But for me, the best part was that it came with toys right on the cake! The Lightning McQueen and Mater cars came off the cake, and I was able to line them up with my other cars and play with them. It doesn't get better than that!
Grandma (who came up with Grandpa for the weekend) found these cute Mater party hats, so the whole family put them on!
I had to take mine off for a moment so I wouldn't set myself on fire when I blew out my candles.
Here's a video of all my birthday highlights, including lots of my presents:
But that's not all! I still have to tell you about the balloons and my favorite new toy. So check back later in the week for more birthday news!
It's finally time for me to tell you all about the amazing 4th birthday party I had on Saturday. It was a Pirate & Princess themed party at a place in town called Time 2 Party. All my classmates and friends were there! I got there early and showed off my Rapunzel costume (I made sure that Mom and Dad had Tangled plates, napkins, cups and balloons there, since Rapunzel is my favorite princess of all).
One of my princess shoes kept getting lose, so I had to fix it. The price of looking beautiful, I guess!
Henry had a great time too. I think he thought that it was really his party!
There were lots of carnival-type games for us to play.
Then we found a better use for the ring-toss rings: they looked great on our fingers.
I got even happier as my friends started to arrive.
Henry looked so adorable with his pirate hat on!
In case anyone forgot whose birthday it was...
My friend Jasmine came in her Rapunzel costume too!
We had pizza for dinner, which was yummy.
Mom and Dad searched all week to find a Tangled balloon. Lucky for them that they found one just in time!
We all decorated treasure chests for a fun craft.
Finally, it was cake time. And look who was on the cake!
No wonder I was smiling!
Henry thought the cake was delicious too.
And before I knew it, it was all over. What a terrific party! Here are the video highlights:
As I told Mom and Dad, it was the best birthday ever!
I've got a lot on my mind. Like, why hasn't Julia posted all the photos and video from her birthday party last weekend? (Dad says it's coming tomorrow.) And what do Mom and Dad have planned for my birthday on Sunday? (Dad says it's a surprise.)
I've got lots of work to do before my big birthday party tomorrow! Isn't my landscaping amazing?
I'm just kidding. Of course Babcia and Dido get all the credit for how great our landscaping looks. But it's fun to bring out my own gardening tools and "help" out.
As I mentioned, tomorrow is my big birthday party. All my friends will be there and it's going to be so much fun. I'll tell you all about it next wek!
Henry and I put together a very special Mother's Day for Mom. Inspired by the Fancy Nancy Mother's Day book, I decided to make Mom a fabulous breakfast in bed. So Dad and I made her eggs, toast and coffee, and I added our Mother's Day cards and a beautiful flower for the finishing touches. Voila!
Mom loved it — especially the coffee!
Then we all had brunch with Babcia and Dido at a new Asian restaurant downtown. While we were waiting for our food to come, I took the chopsticks and pretended to cut Henry's hair.
Brunch was yummy, and we ended the day with a very special treat: Mom and I went to see the Sleeping Beauty ballet, and it was terrific! What a great day — and I think Mom loved it too. Happy Mother's Day Mom, and Babcia and Grandma too...you guys are the best!
Thanks for stopping by! We've both been blogging up a storm since literally the day we were born. Check back frequently for the latest news about our hectic lifestyles, along with plenty of cute photos and videos. (To find out what Julia was up to before Henry came along, visit JuliaMadeline.com.)
And please don't forget to send a message to Julia and Henry! Whether you'd like to contribute a question for an upcoming Ask Julia & Henry column or just say hello, we'd love to hear from you.
Julia's Tweets: Actual things I've said
Henry's Tweets: My latest amazing feats
Our current stats
Julia Age: 5 years Height: 45 1/4 inches Weight: 47 lbs. Clothing size: 6T
Henry Age: 3 years Height: 38 1/2 inches Weight: 31 lbs. Clothing size: 3T
Our blog glossary
Babcia (BOP-cha)/Bobbi – Babcia is the Ukrainian word for grandmother. This is what Julia and Henry call their Mom's mother. (Their Dad's mother is called Grandma.) Julia had trouble pronouncing Babcia at first, so Babcia shortened it to Bobbi — her late brother was named Bobby —which was easier for Julia to say. So now Julia knows her as Bobbi.
Dido (DEE-doh) – Ukrainian word for grandfather. This is what Julia and Henry call their Mom's father. (Their Dad's father is called Grandpa.)
Mnohaya lita (MNO-high-ya LEE-ta) – A Ukrainian celebratory phrase uttered at almost all festive occasions. It is also a song sung at weddings, birthdays and other times when congratulations are in order.
Pipa (PIP-ah) – Pypka is the Ukrainian word for pacifier, but Julia shortened that to pipa.