Julia and I had the best time at the Storybook Ball. Yes, it was fun dressing up, but for me the best part was sprinting around the whole museum. We have lots of photos to share, so let's get started. As soon as we arrived, we posed for a picture in front of the museum.
We ran into lots of characters there, like Dorothy and Toto from The Wizard of Oz.
I kept going back to the slide all night long (along with the city bus). Wheee!
We also got some driving in.
And Princess Rapunzel spent time with a fellow princess.
Look, a swan!
While Julia hung out with the Queen of Hearts in the Alice in Wonderland-themed area...
I ran around in a room that seemed to keep getting smaller!
I couldn't resist going back to play with the ducks — and get as wet as possible.
As we were leaving, we said goodbye to several storybook characters, including one of the creatures from Where the Wild Things Are...

And the Velveteen Rabbit...
And Curious George...
And finally, the Please Teach Museum mascot.

As we were leaving, Julia reenacted the moment where Cinderella loses her slipper running from the ball.

It was a perfect night. Here's a video of our highlights, most of which involve me running amuck around the museum.
We're definitely coming back next year!