Now that Julia is in kindergarten, I have the whole preschool to myself! My first day was Sept. 10 and I was really excited to go back for my second year (last year I was in nursery school; this year I'm in preschool).
The whole family came for my first day. (In our new morning routine, I'll be dropped off first, and then Julia will be dropped off at kindergarten.)
Unlike at Julia's first day, there were no tears from me. I was raring to go!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Oh, K!
All summer I looked forward to starting kindergarten, and the big day finally arrived on Sept. 6. I was so excited! I put on my new backpack and was ready to set out.
Here I am in front of (actually in back of) my new school. It's so big! The whole family was on hand to wish me luck.
I got inside and got my nametag on (there's another Julia in class, so I'm Julia L.), while Henry headed right for the kitchen.
I'll admit, there were a few tears that first day, but I LOVED it, and every day since has been terrific and tear-free. I'm so grown up and I love being a kindergartener!
Here I am in front of (actually in back of) my new school. It's so big! The whole family was on hand to wish me luck.
I got inside and got my nametag on (there's another Julia in class, so I'm Julia L.), while Henry headed right for the kitchen.
I'll admit, there were a few tears that first day, but I LOVED it, and every day since has been terrific and tear-free. I'm so grown up and I love being a kindergartener!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Aunt Paula's wedding
Four months after the fact, Henry and I wanted to finally share photos from Aunt Paula's March wedding to Uncle Bob. You know what's almost as fun as the wedding itself? Getting my hair and makeup done (it's one of the only occasions where I let people spend a lot of time working on my hair).
Look at all the bling in my hair, and my lipstick and nails!
Then it was time for the ceremony.
I was so excited to get to spend time with Uncle Ryan and Adrienne.
Henry made sure he had plenty to do so he didn't get bored during the ceremony.
Here's the happy couple after the wedding. Don't they look great? Congratulations guys!
Next up, it was time for the reception. Henry and I had a blast.
It was getting late, but we wanted to keep having fun, so we changed into our PJs and kept the party going!
Here's a video of all the fun we had that day!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Summer style
Henry and I have been loving summer so far. Mom and Dad are particularly happy that I've at least temporarily fallen back in love with wearing sundresses. Don't I look great?
Henry looks really cute too!
We've been having LOTS of fun together this summer!
Monday, July 2, 2012
Sorry we left you hanging!
We never meant to abandon you guys for three whole months. Sorry about that! Julia and I have lots of great photos and videos from the past several months to share with you, and we're going to start posting them very soon. In the meantime, here's a video from my last Little Gym class of the year to show you that you're not the only one who was left hanging...
Friday, April 6, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Springtime in Wildwood
Hi everyone. Sorry Henry and I have been MIA for a couple weeks, but now we can share what we've been up to: we took advantage of the warm weather last week and took a fun vacation to Wildwood! We've got so many fun pictures and videos to share with you!
You would have thought the beach would be cold in March, but it was really warm!

Here is video of us having fun on the beach:
We ate at the Lobster House in Cape May several times, which is always a treat.

Since we were already in Cape May for Lobster House, we explored the town one night.

We rented bikes one morning and pedaled on the boardwalk (well, Mom and Dad did the pedaling)!
We also spent some time each day in the hotel pool.
Here we are in our hotel room after a long day.
On the boardwalk one night, Henry won a dalmatian!
Here's a video of our favorite Wildwood moments.
And we almost forgot the best part of the trip: the rides on the Boardwalk! As you can see, we rode all week long!

Here's a video of us on the Wildwood rides.
Oh, and one more important thing before we go: APRIL FOOL'S! Of course we didn't go to Wildwood last week; these are the photos and videos we never posted from our trip way back in August. Better late than never!
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