On Christmas morning, Julia and I woke up and discovered that yes indeed, Santa came!

First we opened up our stockings. I got a whole bunch of Thomas trains, and Julia got some fun stuff too. Then it was on to the main event: the gifts under the tree. And we got some great ones! Julia got the Playmobil Grand Mansion she had been asking for...

And I got the car transporter I had also wanted for months. Even better, it was Mack from

Santa also left me a Cars pullout sofa, just like the princess one Julia had. I immediately starting "napping"!

Julia was also thrilled to get the big gift she had wanted all year: the Barbie Dream Townhouse.

She and Aunt Jess played with it a lot that day!

Meanwhile, I was playing with the Cars Shake n' Go racetrack that Santa got me. Uncle Ryan helped me out with that.

Later in the day, we opened our non-Santa gifts, and Julia got an American Girl doll she'd had her eye on, named Julie.

One thing I had problems grasping: I thought if a gift had Cars or Thomas wrapping paper, that meant that something to do with Cars or Thomas was inside. So I was disappointed a lot...but not
every time!

Then we tested out one of Julia's stocking gifts: Disney Sing It, a version of Rock Band where you sing tons of songs from Disney movies. We both enjoyed singing our favorite songs from movies like
Toy Story and
Princess and the Frog.

And because we forgot to add this to our Christmas Eve post, here's a picture of Julia, Uncle Ryan and Adrienne from the day before.

We split our Christmas day video into two parts. Here's the first one, showing Julia and I going downstairs and starting to open our gifts.
And here's another one from a bit later in the day:
All in all, it was a very,
very Merry Christmas. Julia and I loved our gifts and played with all of them, all day long (and more than a week later, we still love them all). Thanks Santa, and thanks to all our family and friends who made it such a great day!