Hello there! I know I wasn't supposed to arrive for another week or two, but it sounded so much fun out there that I decided to jump the gun. Plus I hear that my sister also was born on the Friday before Memorial Day weekend, so I had a family tradition to uphold.
Anyway, let me introduce myself: I'm Henry Joseph Lynch, and I was born today at 8:25 am, weighing in at 8 lbs. (a big baby compared to most, but almost a preemie compared to my 8 lbs. 11 oz. sister), and measuring 20 1/4 inches. I started making travel plans around 4 am when Mom's water broke; unlike Julia's birth, she was actually in labor this time around.
It's been a grueling day, as you can imagine, but I got to meet some really wonderful people, like Mom and Dad, my big sister Julia, Bobbi and Dido, and Grandma and Grandpa. They all seem incredibly nice and seem to love me a whole bunch, even though they just met me.
Just like my big sister has been doing for the past two years, I'll be blogging about all of my adventures, and postings lots of pictures and videos, so be sure to check back all the time for the latest news from both me and Julia.
Here are some highlights of my first day: