Hi again. I spent quite an eventful three nights in the hospital, shutting back and forth between the nursery and Mom's room. I bonded with Mom and Dad during feedings, and also spent time with both sets of grandparents and my sister Julia. Out of all of them, I have to say I really have eyes (and what big eyes they are!) for Julia. She was always bouncing around the hospital room, chatting a mile a minute and full of energy. I can't get enough of her.
Everything has been going quite well, aside from a procedure yesterday that I do not want to talk about (instead, I'll spend the next several years plotting a proper revenge). But now (drumroll please)...
I'm home! And I must say, I'm proud of the fact that I managed to pee on dad for the first time, right before we left the hospital this morning.
My first impressions of my new home are quite good. I see a lot of things that I can spit up on, drool all over, try to eat, knock over when I get older, etc. So I think things are going to work out just great!
Here are several videos from my hospital stay (though I'll warn you up front, many of them feature Julia more than me!). Let's start with Day 2:
Then let's move on to Day 3:
And finally, here's a look at my triumphant homecoming today (which also happened to be Julia's birthday, so happy birthday sis!):