Well, it was certainly a Thanksgiving to remember, for reasons both good and bad. Most importantly, I had a great time spending Thanksgiving weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's. Uncle Ryan had to work, but Aunt Jess was there and I got to show off my beautiful Thanksgiving dress.
And of course, there was the actual Thanksgiving dinner, which Bobbi and Dido came down for as well. As you know, I've been prepping for weeks, quoting Peppermint Patty when she yells, "Where's the turkey? Where's the mashed potatoes? Where's the pumpkin pie?" Well, Grandma made all that and much more, and every bite of it was delicious! My personal favorite was the mashed potatoes, but I loved the pumpkin pie too.
And while Henry's still too little to eat real food, he certainly tried his hardest to help himself to a piece of pumpkin pie.
Sorry, little brother, better luck next year!
Now for the not-so-good stuff: while I was healthy over Thanksgiving for the first time ever, Henry wasn't so lucky. He was all congested, and a little feverish at night, so Mom and Dad continued the Thanksgiving tradition started last year, where on Friday they took a sick kid (me last year; Henry this year) to the same pediatrician that Dad went to growing up. Turns out he had a cold (yes, another one!), which explains why he's been keeping Mom and Dad up every night: he's really congested.
And our car is even sicker — its computer board conked out Friday, which means that we had to borrow Grandpa's car this week until it can get fixed (good thing Mom and Dad took out our car seats before the car got towed away!). And sadly, our car dying is another Thanksgiving tradition (it also happened three Thanksgivings ago, when I was still in Mom's belly).
And finally, we ran into major traffic problems trying to get home Saturday. After it took us an hour to travel just 10 miles on the turnpike, we turned around and went back to Grandma and Grandpa's for a couple hours. We were more successful later on, and we made it back home safe and sound Saturday night — just in time for another big event that I'll tell you about later this week!