For my birthday, Nia got me a giftcard to Build-a-Bear Workshop, so I could create my very own teddy bear. Last weekend, Mom and Dad finally took me to redeem my giftcard. I chose a limited edition Hello Kitty-themed teddy bear.
After I made my pick, it was time to stuff her, and I got to operate the pedal on the machine to fill her up with stuffing.

After she was stuffed and sewn up, I picked out an outfit for her (purple, of course!), and Mom got her dressed for me.

Then she hung out with Henry for a bit while Mom and I worked on her birth certificate.

While I filled out her birth certificate, I needed to pick a name for her. I suggested "Me," then "Pink" (which Dad said didn't make sense because she was dressed in purple), then "Purple," and finally Dad came up with the perfect name: Kitty Gaga!

I love you, Kitty Gaga! (And thanks for the gift, Nia!)