Mom and Dad had a special treat for Julia and me about a week ago: they took us to Radio City Music Hall in New York to see a live stage show of one of our favorite TV shows, Yo Gabba Gabba!
We had great seats and were very excited as we waited for the show to start.

Before it began, Julia clowned around, trying to shove her whole hand in her mouth.
Then the show started, and I was riveted. There was so much fun stuff to watch on stage.
Look: balloons, my favorite! After this, hundreds of balloons dropped from the ceiling. I was in heaven!
After the show, we went downstairs and waited in a looong line for the chance to meet all the Gabba characters. Here I am giving a hug to my favorite one, Brobee.
Julia gave five to her two favorites, Muno (left) and Foofa. (Earlier, she had given five to DJ Lance Rock and Biz Markie, who does Biz's Beat of the Day on the show.)

Finally, here's the photo of all of us with (from left) Brobee, Muno, Foofa, Plex and Toodee.

What a great show! Yooooooooooo Gabba Gabba!