I went on a lot more rides this time than I was able to go on the last time we visited Sesame Place. We all went on Flying Fish (Mom had to ride with Julia, and Mom was so nervous that Julia had to protect her and tell her that it would be over soon!). Julia and I went on Ernie's Bed Bounce, though I kept getting trapped in the corner. There were other fun rides too, like Big Bird's Balloon Race and the carousel. The only one that didn't work out for me was Blast Off: I started crying when my over-the-shoulder harness came down, so I had to get off that ride before it started. Maybe next year I'll be ready for that one! And Julia had a blast on the big slide.
Here's a look at our adventures on the rides. You'll notice that Julia is wearing her Abby Cadabby costume in the beginning. Kids were encouraged to dress up for Halloween, and it seemed appropriate for her to dress up as Abby at Sesame Place. Hard to believe that she's had that costume for 2 years now. It barely fit, but she was glad to wear it one last time.
More tomorrow!