Sorry we've been away for so long. We've been very busy, as you'll see over the next week as Henry and I finally start blogging about all the fun things we've been up to.
First up is Ukrainian summer camp, which Mom also went to as a kid. This year, I was old enough to attend, so Mom, Henry and I spent the week in the Catskills at Soyuzivka, the Ukrainian resort (Dad had to work, so he was only up at the beginning and end of the week). Our camp was called Tabir Ptashat: Camp of the Little Birds. The theme was Life on the Farm, and the 4-year-old group I was in was called the Little Chickies.
Every day we did fun activities like play with the parachute.
One day, they brought a horse to camp, and we all went horseback riding.
Another day, my group painted a mural that depicted the Little Chickies.
Here I am showing off our group's hat and nametags (that's my name in Ukrainian; we spoke Ukrainian the whole week!).
One day we took a field trip to a nearby farm. We went on a tractor ride out to the fields, where Henry and I picked snap peas.
Henry wasn't technically attending camp, since you have to be 4 like me, but he happily tagged along all week.
Here I am with my Ukrainian embroidered shirt, known as the vyshyvana sorochka.

One night we attended a bonfire, or vohnyk.
Since Mom was on her own most of the week, she sometimes kept Henry in the stroller so he wouldn't run away (which he likes to do a lot!).

Here I am showing off our camp shirt.

Sometimes our group made silly faces, and we always were smiling!
These flags depicted all the nationalities in attendance at the camp.
As the week wound down, Henry and I posed with Monia, one of our roomies in the room that our families stayed at. We both loved her so much!
On the last day of camp, I got a certificate and also showed off the photo frame I made earlier in the week.

Before we left, I posed for one last picture with Monia. I'm going to miss her!
And here are some highlights from the week, which included lots of Ukrainian songs!
What a fun week that was! I have to give a special shout-out to Mom, who someone managed to watch both Henry and me on her own for most of the week, which is not an easy task. Thanks so much Mom, and I hope you bring us back here next summer!