Last weekend, Dad took me to my very first movie premiere ever. Can you guess what it is? That's right: Smurfs!

Dad and I drove into New York City to go to the Smurfs premiere at the super-fancy Ziegfeld Theatre. We knew we were in the right place when I saw a big inflatable Smurf outside.
We went inside and got popcorn and drinks and best of all, a Smurf figurine.
There were also 3-D glasses because it was a 3-D. My 3-D experiences last year with Toy Story 3 and Shrek didn't turn out so well, but I was ready to try again!

There were lots of famous people there, like Katy Perry, Neil Patrick Harris and Sofia Vergara. Then the movie started, and I really liked it...except for the parts with Gargamel. Seeing Gargamel in 3-D was just too scary for me, so about halfway through I told Dad that we had to leave. On the way out, I took some more pictures...
And picked up 2 goody bags, packed with great Smurf stuff like more figurines and Smurf cereal. Yum!
While the 3-D was scary, I'm very excited to see the movie when it comes out on Blu-ray later this year. It was a great premiere—and a great day with Dad!