Notice anything different about this picture? I'm wearing underwear! After talking for months about how I was going to be using the potty, last week Mom and Dad finally took off my diaper, let me pick out some big boy underwear to put on (I've got Cars, Thomas and Toy Story to choose from), gave me all the apple juice I could drink and watched what happened. Unfortunately, the results weren't very good: I wet myself three separate times, and also went poopie once. (The worst part of it was that I wasn't really aware that I had done those things.) I did go pee-pee on the potty once, but that was after sitting there for about 30 minutes.
I cried each time I had an accident, mostly because I was worried that my underwear would be ruined forever. After that, it was back to diapers, but we're going to try again after the holidays. Oh well.