The rides were definitely the best part of our trip, but Julia and I also loved spending time each morning at the beach. I didn't like getting too close to the ocean (when I did, the water came rushing in - all one and a half inches of it - and knocked me down), but I sure loved walking near it.

I surprised Mom and Dad by not trying to eat any sand during the trip, though I did enjoy chowing down on blueberries at the beach.

And before long each day, the excitement of being on the beach would catch up with me and I'd have to take a nap.

And Julia also had a great time too, playing in the sand.

She also played with the tiny pool that Grandma brought (it was technically for me, but Julia used it more).

This was the first year that Julia finally started to enjoy going into the ocean as well. She had a blast "jumping" over the waves with Mom and Dad. Maybe next year I'll be ready to do that too!
After we got back from the beach each day, we'd also spend some time in the pool. Mom and Dad brought along the float that Julia used when she was really little, and I loved being in it just as much as she used to!
So now we've covered the rides and the beach. What's next? Tune in tomorrow.