Before we talk about our terrific vacation down in Wildwood (well, aside from my trip to the urgent care center...), I have to spill a few tears first. We visited Grandma and Grandpa on our way down to Wildwood, and since Mom and Dad had never actually taken me themselves to get my haircut, they decided to do just that.
There was just one problem: they took me in the middle of the afternoon, right when A) I was so ready for my afternoon nap that I was nodding off in the car on the way there and B) I really wanted my pre-nap milk. So what happened when they made me get a haircut instead of drink my milk and take a nap? Exactly what you'd expect...
At least Julia kept it together for her trim, though she later told Mom and Dad that she was getting weirded out by the strange show that was on TV at the time.
And the final product:
To get the full effect of how distraught I was during my haircut (and then how I got upset again when they turned on the hairdryer for Julia's hair), you'll have to watch this:
Now that we've got that out of the way, it's time for the good stuff. Our Wildwood recap starts tomorrow!