Last week I went for my very first dentist appointment (though thanks to Aunt Jess, it wasn't the first time a dentist has looked at my teeth). The photo above is of me in the waiting room. I was excited because the dentist's office was across the street from one of my favorite parks.
The hygenist, Diane, was very nice. She told me all about the different instruments and took pictures of me. Then she put these cool sunglasses on me while she counted my teeth so the light wouldn't bother me.

I got to pick the flavor of paste she used to clean my teeth (I chose cherry). I did so well — I guess a lot of first-timers get so scared that the hygenist is only able to count their teeth before they freak out; not me! — that I was able to pick a toy to take home. I chose a purple frog of course, and got toothbrushes and toothpaste too.

Wasn't I lucky! Then the dentist came and he was very nice too. Best of all: no cavities!