Henry and I had a very happy Halloween yesterday, and we'll be spending all week catching you up on our various Halloween festivities over the past few days. We'll start with the Halloween parade I had at school Friday morning.
Mom, Henry, Babcia, Dido, Grandpa and Grandma were all there to watch me parade around in my Jesse costume (all except for my hat, which I refused to wear, so I held it the whole time). Everyone in my class lined up outside in their costumes.
We sang a few Halloween songs as well, complete with choreography.
Of course, when I learned the choreography I didn't have a hat in my hand, so I wasn't as animated as some of my classmates because I was concentrating on my hat a bit. But I kept smiling through it all.
Here's a video of the highlights from my school Halloween parade:
There are lots more tricks and treats to come later this week!