Henry and I must be allergic to Thanksgiving, because every Thanksgiving that I've been around for (that would be four, including this year's), at least one of us gets sick during the holiday! This year, both of us succumbed, which forced Mom and Dad to call off our plans to spend Turkey Day visiting Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Paula and Aunt Jess.
So we spent the day at home, just the four of us. The good news is that we still had a Thanksgiving meal, thanks to a great last-minute job by Mom, and that Henry and I are both on the mend and should be all better in the next day or two.
In the meantime, here's a quick video about what Henry and I are thankful for this year (other than the fact that we're finally feeling better, that is!):
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you — and Happy Half-Birthday to me! I'm 3 1/2 today!