In honor of Tuesday's Blu-ray release of Tangled, here's a look at us painting those towers we talked about a couple weeks ago. I really enjoyed painting mine...and so did Henry!
Here's a video of us at work:
Of course, now we don't play with these towers as much as we used to a couple weeks ago...but it was fun while it lasted!
Time for more dancing! A few weeks ago, Henry and I (and Nia, too!) went to this special dance party at the mall called Baby Loves Disco. They had lots of fun stuff for kids: crafts, nail painting, tattoos...
And of course, dancing!
We really love to dance, in case you haven't noticed!
The insects were on the loose! At Isabella's birthday party a few weeks ago, Henry and I made butterfly and dragonfly wings. Then when we got home, we put them on and started running around the house, acting silly. To be even sillier, I pretended that I was Raggedy Ann, because Mom has been terrified of Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy since she was a kid. It was great fun.
Julia and I wanted to end the week with a video we took during our trip up to Connecticut last week. We visited with Aunt Jess and lots of our favorite people, like Andrew, Lucie, Abby and Sophia. One of our favorite parts of the trip (besides running through the hotel) was when Lucie showed Julia and I how to play Just Dance 2. It's a Wii game where you dance around and try to mimic the moves of the person onscreen. We couldn't do that, but we still had a blast dancing to the music. Take a look.
I've been doing a lot of growing up in the past couple months. After far too long, my parents finally ditched the bath seat I'd been using in the tub. Now I sit in the tub all by myself!
But that's nothing compared to what else I can do: name all my colors! Here's a video Dad took of me showing off a couple weeks ago. Back then, I still struggled a bit with recognizing things that are red, but now I know all of them!
It's spring this week (even though it snowed yesterday morning!), which means it's time for me to break out my spring wardrobe, including this colorful dress. Don't I look beautiful?
You'll also notice this braid in my hair, which I got during my haircut last week. It looks great, and helps keep my hair out of my face too.
I love being outside and getting some fresh air after being cooped up all winter!
Hi everyone. Sorry that Henry and I were MIA last week, but Mom and Dad both took the week off to spend time with us, so we were busy doing fun stuff with them. Like on St. Patrick's Day, when Henry and I dressed in green...
and went to a special St. Patrick's themed dinner at...Tinga? Yes, our favorite Mexican restaurant went all out for March 17, with green chips.
Yum! Henry didn't want to try the chips but he did eat green food too: grapes!
They also served a green frozen drink, but I didn't like the taste of that so much.
They also gave all us kids green necklaces.
Best of all, there was a balloon man and he made me a shamrock-shaped balloon!
Henry liked seeing my balloon so much...
That he wanted a balloon of his own.
Then we went home and played outside, where we quickly discovered that our shamrock balloons weren't very durable. But no matter, we still had fun as you can see:
Hope you all had a fun St. Patrick's Day as well. And don't worry, Henry and I are going to make up for last week's absence with new videos and photos for you every day this week!
As you know, I really love the movie Cars and I really love Thomas the Tank Engine. Last week I was thinking, what would happen if I combined my two loves, and put some of the Cars from cars on the track with my motorized Thomas train. And the result was...
Pretty spectacular. Lots of crashing! The Cars cars were no match for Thomas. Take a look:
Winter is almost over, but I finally went skiing for the very first time yesterday! Dido and Dad took me to Mountain Creek, where Dido skis regularly. We rented boots, skis, a helmet and poles. Then it was time to hit the slopes. Dido brought along my hula-hoop, and I used it to help hold on as he took me down the bunny hill.
(Those are Dad's poles I'm holding in the above photo. They're way too big for me, but helped me keep steady for the picture!)
I really enjoyed myself, but after a few runs I was ready for a break and an early lunch.
Mac and cheese. Yum!
Then we went back out for a few more runs. For the big finale, Dido and Dad took me up on the ski lift (we had been using the "magic carpet" to get up the bunny hill), and we went down a "real" trail. That I didn't like so much - I fell a few times, which wasn't fun - but all in all it was a really fun day. Here's a video of my last two runs before lunch, when I was ready for some food:
Dad said it was a great first trip, because I was a trooper all day. Next year when we go, we have to bring Mom and Henry too! And maybe then I'll be ready for lessons!
Babcia took some cute pictures of us on her phone the other week, when Julia was on winter break and was home with us fulltime for the week. She tagged along with me went I went to story time at Barnes & Noble.
Then later in the week, she accompanied me to my Music Together class, and we sang and danced together!
It was fun having her around all week, but I'm kind of glad that she's back at school now and I have Babcia and Dido all to myself in the mornings!
I love Tangled and the story of Rapunzel so much that I decided a couple weeks ago that it would be fun to have my own tower just like she does. And luckily, Mom and Dad had some big cardboard boxes that were perfect. Then Henry decided he wanted one too.
He started acting silly and kept pretending to fall on the ground. Soon, we started decorating our towers.
Here's a video of our first day with our towers. We put on the Tangled soundtrack and I hid in my tower until we got to the song where Rapunzel got free — that's when I did the same and started running around!
I know what you're thinking: wait a minute, Julia, you have straight hair. How did it get curly? Well, last week Mom and I decided to see if we could make my hair curly. After my bath, Mom started putting my hair in curlers.
She wasn't sure how I'd react, but I was good and stayed very still while she worked her way around my head.
Then finally, she was all done.
I slept all night in them — again, Mom wasn't sure how I'd react to that, but I didn't have a problem with it at all. The next morning, she took them off, did a little brushing, and voila:
Curly hair, just like my Ukrainian dolly!
I loved them, and kept asking Mom and Dad all day if my hair was still curly!
By the end of the day, however, I was ready for my hair to be straight again. But it was fun while it lasted!
Here's a video of how my hair went from straight to curly:
Thanks for stopping by! We've both been blogging up a storm since literally the day we were born. Check back frequently for the latest news about our hectic lifestyles, along with plenty of cute photos and videos. (To find out what Julia was up to before Henry came along, visit
And please don't forget to send a message to Julia and Henry! Whether you'd like to contribute a question for an upcoming Ask Julia & Henry column or just say hello, we'd love to hear from you.
Julia's Tweets: Actual things I've said
Henry's Tweets: My latest amazing feats
Our current stats
Julia Age: 5 years Height: 45 1/4 inches Weight: 47 lbs. Clothing size: 6T
Henry Age: 3 years Height: 38 1/2 inches Weight: 31 lbs. Clothing size: 3T
Our blog glossary
Babcia (BOP-cha)/Bobbi – Babcia is the Ukrainian word for grandmother. This is what Julia and Henry call their Mom's mother. (Their Dad's mother is called Grandma.) Julia had trouble pronouncing Babcia at first, so Babcia shortened it to Bobbi — her late brother was named Bobby —which was easier for Julia to say. So now Julia knows her as Bobbi.
Dido (DEE-doh) – Ukrainian word for grandfather. This is what Julia and Henry call their Mom's father. (Their Dad's father is called Grandpa.)
Mnohaya lita (MNO-high-ya LEE-ta) – A Ukrainian celebratory phrase uttered at almost all festive occasions. It is also a song sung at weddings, birthdays and other times when congratulations are in order.
Pipa (PIP-ah) – Pypka is the Ukrainian word for pacifier, but Julia shortened that to pipa.