Winter is almost over, but I finally went skiing for the very first time yesterday! Dido and Dad took me to Mountain Creek, where Dido skis regularly. We rented boots, skis, a helmet and poles. Then it was time to hit the slopes. Dido brought along my hula-hoop, and I used it to help hold on as he took me down the bunny hill.

(Those are Dad's poles I'm holding in the above photo. They're way too big for me, but helped me keep steady for the picture!)
I really enjoyed myself, but after a few runs I was ready for a break and an early lunch.
Mac and cheese. Yum!
Then we went back out for a few more runs. For the big finale, Dido and Dad took me up on the ski lift (we had been using the "magic carpet" to get up the bunny hill), and we went down a "real" trail. That I didn't like so much - I fell a few times, which wasn't fun - but all in all it was a really fun day. Here's a video of my last two runs before lunch, when I was ready for some food:
Dad said it was a great first trip, because I was a trooper all day. Next year when we go, we have to bring Mom and Henry too! And maybe then I'll be ready for lessons!