I know what you're thinking: wait a minute, Julia, you have straight hair. How did it get curly? Well, last week Mom and I decided to see if we could make my hair curly. After my bath, Mom started putting my hair in curlers.
She wasn't sure how I'd react, but I was good and stayed very still while she worked her way around my head.
Then finally, she was all done.
I slept all night in them — again, Mom wasn't sure how I'd react to that, but I didn't have a problem with it at all. The next morning, she took them off, did a little brushing, and voila:
Curly hair, just like my Ukrainian dolly!
I loved them, and kept asking Mom and Dad all day if my hair was still curly!

By the end of the day, however, I was ready for my hair to be straight again. But it was fun while it lasted!
Here's a video of how my hair went from straight to curly: