Happy Halloween! Believe it or not, this photo of Henry and I was taken on Oct. 31. Not Dec. 25, but Oct. 31. The weekend before Halloween, we had a freak October blizzard that dropped a foot of snow on us, and even worse, knocked out our power for 15 hours (some of our neighbors were out all week!) and caused several of our trees - which were still living and had leaves on them - to crack under the weight of all that snow. What a mess!
Before that all went down, I showed off the haunted gingerbread house that Mom and I made this year.
Here's a video of the spooky house:
Then, the flurries began. First, it was cute. I tried to catch snowflakes on my tongue, like in Charlie Brown Christmas.
Then things got nuts! The snow piled up, we lost power and heat, and had to huddle together in Mom and Dad's bed that night to stay warm.
By the time Halloween rolled around on Monday, we had made a snowman - make that, snowwitch - to celebrate the holiday.
Later, Mom took us into town, where we went trick-or-treating at the firehouse.
The firemen were exhausted from all the work that had done that weekend during the blizzard! The town ended up postponing trick-or-treating until Friday because of all the downed power lines and power outages, though a few of us went trick-or-treating on the block that day anyway.
Good thing we had gone trick-or-treating at Dad's work! (Henry loved the Hershey bars most of all; I liked Nerds and lollipops best.)
What a crazy holiday! I wonder what Thanksgiving has in store for us?