Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Brother-sister bonding

People have been wondering whether Julia and I are still getting along, and if she's over the honeymoon phase of being a big sister. For the most part, we still have a great relationship, as these cute photos can attest to:

And of course everytime you visit our blog you see a photos from our first shoot together, the day I came home:

Like she was on the day of my homecoming, Julia remains fascinated by everything I do: "Henry's crying!" "Henry's sleeping!" "Henry's yawning!" she loudly reports to Mom and Dad. That said, I've noticed that she doesn't quite have the same patience that she used to. And she also wants to take some of my stuff for her own, like the Boppy pillow that Mom and Dad use to support me during my feedings:

Julia's sitting on it, and says she wants "Henry's pillow" for herself! And there are many times where she's too helpful, like she takes my pipa to give to me and ends up dropping it and getting it dirty, or she tries to hand Dad something of mine when his hands are full feeding me.

But overall, she is so sweet and loving toward her little brother. See for yourself:

I think this is the beginning of a wonderful relationship!