Mom and Dad have had plenty of reminders lately about how old I'm getting. I had a doctor's appointment last week and I now weigh 16 lbs 2 oz (which puts me in the 90th percentile) and my height is 26.5 inches (97th percentile). Earlier this week I outgrew my size 2 diapers so now I'm all about the size 3s. And on Sunday, I have something called a Baptism!
I'm also thinking about trying out for American Idol. I've certainly got the pipes for it. What do you think?
I'm not the only one is who is getting older. Julia starts nursery school on Monday!
Speaking of Julia, I recently reenacted one of Julia's old baby photos. Can you guess which is which?
Okay, fine, her pink shirt (and big cheeks!) gave it away. I'm on top; Julia was on the bottom. Have a great weekend, and I'll tell you all about this Baptism thing next week!