Sunday was my Baptism, and lots of family and friends showed up to celebrate my big day. Mom dressed me in the same baptismal gown that she — and more recently, Julia —wore. I can't believe she or Dad were ever as tiny as I am!
I had a meltdown right before the Baptism, but Dad gave me a bottle, which was enough to knock me out for most of the ceremony. At least until this moment happened:
That holy water shower sure woke me up! Soon after, Aunt Jess put a special baptismal vestment on me.
After the baptism, I posed for lots of pictures. Here I am with Mom, Dad, Julia and my godparents: Aunt Jess and Joe (Saffron and Jonathan's dad).
Here I am with Dad's side of the family:
And here I am with Mom's side of the family:
After the Baptism, Mom and Dad had a reception for me at a nearby restaurant.
I spent time with Aunt Halina...
And Uncle Ryan...
And while I didn't get to eat any cake, it sure looked good!
Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate my Baptism. It meant a lot to me to have you there. If you weren't able to be there, here's a video of what you missed: