Let's face it: I've gotten the short end of the stick when it comes to having baby photos on the blog. If you go back and look at Julia's baby blog, there were tons of cute photos of her when she was my age. And while the occasional great photo of me has appeared on the blog, there's still no comparison to Julia's prolific output of photo shoots. Well that changes right now, because I had a few recent photo shoots that you have to see to believe. Let's kick things off with what is probably the cutest photo of me taken to date:
And here's one of me doing my Fonzie impression.
Now here's a bunch of other great photos. Stay tuned at the end for a real treat:
What could be better than looking at all those adorable photos of me? Well, how about one of my all-time cutest videos ever? If you remember, Julia got an Elmo Live for Christmas and liked it for about three minutes until she got seriously freaked out and hasn't played with him since. Well, I have no such hang-ups; I think Elmo Live is one of the most hilarious things ever! Take a look at how happy he makes me: