I got so many great Christmas gifts from everyone, like this princess throw (complete with a tiara!) from Aunt Jess. But as for Santa, well, he managed to be both naughty and nice when it came to leaving gifts for me under the tree.
My Christmas wish list was clear: I wanted a backpack, a hoppity ball and a jack-in-the-box. And while I got all of those (and much more), Santa should have known that what I really wanted was a Princess backpack, a clown jack-in-the-box, and the hoppity ball from the mall. But he's apparently not a mind reader, which lead to these disappointing moments on Christmas morning:
Does that look like a Princess backpack to you? What gives, Santa? Check out this video of my Christmas disappointment:
Okay, so maybe I was a little rough on the big fella. Because he got me lots of terrific stuff too, like my very own digital camera, a set of My Little Ponys and best of all, a super-fun Little People amusement park set:
Take a look at how much fun I had with all my presents:
And I've grown to love my jack-in-the-box, hoppity ball and yes, even the backpack. So in the end, maybe Santa did know best after all...
By the way, you've probably been hearing lots of coughing and sniffling in the background of all these Christmas videos. That's because Mom, Dad, Henry and I were all sick over Christmas, but I'll let Henry talk more about that in the next post.