While there are some things that I mastered long before my big sister did when she was my age (like rolling over) I have to admit that there are other things I've lagged behind on. And while no two kids develop at the exact same pace, I'm happy to say that in the past couple weeks, I've made some big strides. First off, take a look at this photo and let me know if you see anything unusual:
Yes, I actually have a pipa in my mouth! After six months of rejecting it, I've finally started to take it, and what do you know, it calms me down when I'm upset — and helps me drift off to sleep when I'm tired. Which leads me to my next big feat...
I'm taking long naps now! No more 30-minute limits on my daytime snoozes. I'm regularly going down for an hour or more—sometimes well in excess of two hours!
Finally, after more than a month of not making much progress on eating, I've started polishing off my meals. Now, almost all of it goes in my tummy, instead of being spit out onto my bib. See what happens when people finally give me some good stuff to eat, like fruit?
That's it for the weekend. Julia and I are finally going to post a new Ask Julia & Henry column next week (now that we have some questions), so if you want to send some questions in for the last time in '09, this is your last chance.