When Mom was a kid, she and Bobbi had a tradition of going to see the Nutcracker Ballet together every Christmas. Well, I'm happy to announce that Mom and I (and Bobbi too!) are now continuing that tradition. On Saturday, they took me to see my very first performance of the Nutcracker ever (come to think of it, it was my first time seeing any kind of performance!).
Mom and Dad weren't sure how I would react, but I was really well-bheaved. I talked a little bit in the beginning, asking Mom where Clara was, and where the mouse was, but after that I was completely taken by everything. I thought seeing it on the DVD was great, but it was nothing compared to seeing it in person!

I even brought my nutcracker along with me and held it for the whole performance.
After it was over, I came home and had a snowball fight with Mom and Bobbi. A perfect end to a perfect day!
(By the way, Dad finally fixed the Twitter widgets over on the right side of the blog. The widget seemed to be permanently broken, so Dad upgraded to some new, spiffy ones. Hopefully our Twitter feed problems are behind us!)