Before Henry and I share our resolutions, we have to talk about the crazy blizzard that kept us snowed in all of last week. The day after Christmas, we got nearly three feet of snow. There was so much snow that Henry couldn't even come outside with me (we snuck out during his nap).
Yum, snowballs!
Look at how rosy my cheeks are after about 10 minutes outside. That's what 40 mph wind gusts will do to you!
I was sad that I couldn't really go sledding or build a snowman (the snow was too fine but hardened a bit the next day, so I was able to do it then), but I still made the most of it. Here's a video of my time outside.
More than a week later, we still have a few inches left, but most of it has melted away. Hopefully the next snowfall won't be quite as severe so Henry can come out and play in it too.