Even though Mom and Dad had been warning Julia and me for a week that they were taking down our Christmas tree, that wasn't enough to prepare me for the devastation I felt Saturday morning when I went downstairs and saw an empty space where the tree used to be. I was shocked! "Gone! Gone!" I said mournfully, as I gestured to the places where the tree, stockings and mistletoe used to be. Julia took it much better, joking "The Grinch took our tree!"
But once a few minutes passed, I got over my grief and realized, hey, this means there's a whole new open space for us to play around in! So Julia and I quickly got down to business, running around in circles and acting silly.
Here's a video of our circular behavior:
So while I'm really going to miss the tree — and the ornaments — I'm content to enjoy all this new open space! Especially since we've been stuck indoors with all the wintry weather, we need all the indoor space we can get!