It's a new year, so that means it's time for me to come up with a new batch of resolutions for 2011. But first, let's see how I did with my 2010 resolutions. Can I beat my 2009 record of completing 7 out of 10? Let's see:
1) No more diapers! DONE. Next!
2) No more pipa! Another one mastered, thanks to the pipa fairy. I smell a clean sweep...
3) Learn to share with Henry. D'oh! Yeah, I'm not even going to pretend to try and do this in 2011. Not happening.
4) Ride a roller coaster with Dad. Last year I wrote, "I cannot wait to do this." I did it, riding Vapor Trail at Sesame Place, and I'm not anxious to do it again anytime soon. Sorry, Dad.
5) Eat lunch at school. Check. I'm not going 5 times a week like Mom and Dad originally planned, but 3 out of 5 days is still pretty good.
6) Dunk my head underwater. Yes! I got a little bit braver every month, and now I can do it.
7) Swap my car seat for a booster seat. This was done last spring. I've got my mojo back!
8) Learn ballet. Well, I go to dance class, so that counts. Another yes.
9) Learn to ski. Nope. Maybe this winter I'll go with Dido.
10) See a movie. Last year I vowed to "go to a movie theater and watch one there," and technically I did that, twice. I saw Shrek Forever After and Toy Story 3 in a theater; the problem is that I lasted about 3 minutes in each one before I bolted. So I only get 1/2 credit here. In my defense, I've discovered I don't like watching 3-D movies, which both Shrek and Toy Story were. Dad is going to take me to a 2-D showing of Tangled soon; hopefully I'll fare better.
Add it all up, and I completed 7 1/2 out of 10 resolutions. I beat my 2009 record! Try to top that, Henry!
This year, I'm going to be slightly less ambitious and only do 5. Let's see how I fare:
1) Be nicer. This is going to be the hardest resolution of the year, because I have a temper and I'm not afraid to use it. But lately, Mom and Dad have been having success by counting to 10 (which I hate) and making me stay in my room by myself (which I really hate), so there's hope for me yet. Still, I need to make some big strides in this department.
2) Dress myself. I already pick out my clothes; it's time I started putting them on, too.
3) Learn to ride a bike. Mom and Dad wonder if Henry will beat me to this one, but it's about time for me to master this (with training wheels, of course!).
4) Learn to read and write. I'm not talking about anything too fancy, but if I could write my own name by the end of the year, and maybe be able to read a word or two, that would be pretty great.
And finally...
5) Blog less. This one might come as a bit of a surprise, but I think that Henry and I are going to dial things down a notch on the blogging front. Don't worry, we're not going anywhere, but instead of the 4-5 blogs a week that you see now, I expect we'll be doing more along the lines of 1 or 2 (except after big events like holidays, vacations and birthdays). We'll still keep you abreast of everything we're up to, just with a few less photos and videos than you've been used to over the past 3 1/2 years.
So that's it for me. Right now, I resolve to have a great weekend. Hope you do the same. Henry will share his resolutions next week.