Julia had her say last week, now it's time for my resolutions for 2011. First let's see how I did with last year's resolutions. Did I beat Julia, who completed 7 1/2 out of her 10?
1) Learn to walk. Yep.
2) Learn to talk. Another one down.
3) No more teething...lots more teeth! Three in a row!
4) Fall asleep by myself. I defined this last year as Mom and Dad being able to "put me into my crib, say good night and close the door, without any fuss." That said, I go to bed a lot easier than Julia did when she was my age.
5) Accomplish something faster than Julia did. I had hoped to walk or crawl before Julia did, but I'll settle for getting my first tooth a couple months before she did. Another resolution accomplished!
6) Travel abroad. I elaborated that I wanted to get a passport like Julia did, and get my first big trip under my belt. I did get a passport and did get a big trip under my belt (to Disney World), even though I technically did not travel abroad. So I'm giving myself 1/2 for this one.
7) Have a healthier year. Aside from that awful two-week period around Thanksgiving, I was healthier in 2010 than I was in 2009, where I was basically sick all year long, so yes, I did this too.
8) Get even with Julia. I vowed, "once I get mobile, I'm going to get back at her: take a few things of hers and see how she likes it!" And I've been doing just that, so mark this down as another accomplishment. (And for the record, she doesn't like it one bit).
9) No more big head. I was referring to my macrocephaly and the hope that "my big head isn't quite so big by year's end." While I'm not "cured" in that the neurologist still needs to see me, my head in fact has leveled off in size, so we'll call this 1/2. I'm going to put this down again this year, when I'll hopefully be given the okay from the neurologist.
10) Go on an amusement park ride with Julia. I didn't just go on one, I went on several: at Wildwood, Sesame Place, Adventureland and of course Disney World. And next year I'll go on even more.
Tallying them up, I got 8 out of 10, which means that I beat Julia. Hooray!
Now let's see if I can defend my title this year. Julia is only doing 5 resolutions this year, but I'm going to tackle 10 again. Here's the list:
10 for '11:
1) No more diapers. Julia didn't do this until she was almost 3; I aim to beat her by six months.
2) No more pipa. Ditto.
3) No more crib. This summer, I should be ready to make the leap and start sleeping in a "real" bed (which apparently will be my crib converted into a big boy bed).
4) Go to school. Whenever I go inside Pilsbury with Julia, I love it so much that I don't want to leave. So I want to go there full-time, just like my big sister.
5) Learn to jump. I can already tell that I'm really going to enjoy this as soon as I figure out how.
6) No more bibs. I should have ditched them long ago, but I cannot stop drooling. Mom and Dad have been weaning me off them, but I need to learn to keep my saliva in my mouth!
7) Stop head-butting. This is top defense mechanism, as well as my preferred reaction when I don't get my way. But I need to stop banging my head against the wall — or other hard objects!
8) Learn to use silverware. Julia was holding a spoon when she was half my age, so it's time for me to learn to do the same.
9) Fall asleep by myself. I didn't pull this off last year, but I'm confident I'll figure it out this year.
And finally:
10) No more big head. I already talked about this above, but I want to finally put this whole macrocephaly thing behind me.
And that's it. Looks like I've got a busy year in store...but I know I can pull it off!