I'm 10 months old today! In honor of my special day, we're going to wait until later to tell you about our terrific vacation last week, and all the fun places we visited. Today is about my latest accomplishments. I can stand up all by myself — without holding on to anyone or anything — for a few seconds at a time. (In other words, I'll be walking soon!) I've also been clapping my hands enthusiastically and over the weekend, I went on a swing for the very first time!
I loved it! We were visiting with some of Dad's friends who had a playground set, so it was the perfect time for me to try it out. Then Julia went on the big swing next to me, and she did a great job on it!
Take a look at me in action, joined halfway through by Julia:
Full disclosure: While I'm doing all these great new things, I'm also regressing a bit at night, getting up frequently and demanding one or two bottles every night. I have to learn to eat more during the day, but these new foods like yogurt and pasta are tough to stomach!