Uncle Ryan got us this great wagon for Julia and me at Christmas, but aside from a quick spin in the house that day, the weather's been too cold for us to go outside and really give it a spin. But over the weekend, we finally got to go out. And unlike the last time I was in there, I was able to sit up - and therefore ride in it - all by myself.
It was awesome! I loved it a lot more than Julia, who had just thrown a hissy fit right before our ride and was still acting like, well, a baby. Take a look at this video: you'll see how Julia is being a real buzzkill. But then after she leaves, the fun really starts!
That's going to be it for the week. Mom and Dad are on vacation next week and we'll be spending a lot of it at Grandma and Grandpa's, but Julia and I have prepared a couple blogs that will post during our absence.