I hope you all had a very Happy Easter! We did so much fun stuff for the holiday that it will probably take all week to recap, so let's get started.
Easter requires lots of prep work, so Mom and I had to color the Easter eggs.
I did such a great job with them, I made sure to show Henry my handiwork.
Here's a video of my hard at work coloring the eggs, while Henry was hard at work tearing the kitchen apart. We're both very good at our respective jobs.
Speaking of Easter eggs, Mom set up an Easter egg hunt for me in the backyard, which I loved. Take a look:
Best of all, all the purple eggs had purple M&M's in them! Did you know purple is my favorite color? Of course you did, because I talk about it all the time.
Tomorrow, I'll tell you all about going to blessing of the baskets and meeting the Easter bunny!