I visited New York City not once but twice over the past week. Last Friday Dad took me on the train and subway, and then I spent the morning at his work's daycare center. After Mom and Dad took me out to lunch, the real fun began! Mom took me for a carriage ride in Central Park. It was great, but I was so overwhelmed by the day that all the carriage rocking put me right to sleep!
Notice the purple flower on the carriage? That's why I picked that horse in the first place. After I woke up, Mom took me to the Plaza, where they have a whole area devoted to the main character in one of my favorite kids books, Eloise.
Eloise was there waiting to have tea with me.
I love having tea at the Plaza!
And toasting with Mom!
Back on the street, I took a picture with the Statue of Liberty. She's nowhere near as tall as I thought she was!

Finally, our New York adventure ended with a taxi ride back to the train station. By this time I was getting very tired again!
I have the week off from school, so on Tuesday, I came back in with Dad and stayed at the children's center all day long. (No Eloise or carriage rides this time, but I still had a blast.) I sure do love New York!