I've been flashing this smile a lot these days. More likely that not, if you catch my eye, you'll get treated to one of these grins. As I answer my share of the Ask Julia & Henry questions today, I'm going to sprinkle a few other cute photos of me throughout the post, so keep reading!
First up, here are some questions from Aunt Paula:
You sure enjoyed watching the Elmo character. Does Julia like it any better now?
No, she's still disturbed by him. Which is good news for me, because that means there's at least one toy that Julia won't be snatching away from me. Most of the time, if she sees me taking interest in a toy, she takes it away. Boo!
When are you starting to eat cereal?
I started last week, and it's still going really well! I've moved on from rice cereal to oatmeal. Next up: barley!
I see that you are in your bare feet alot this summer. Do you wear tennis shoes yet?
No shoes for me yet, but now that the weather is getting colder I'm always wearing socks. Which is too bad, because I love playing with my toes!
And here are a bunch of questions from Aunt Rebecca:
Will you give Julia all the candy you get when you go trick or treating with her?
I don't think I'll have a choice, to be honest with you. Like everything else in the house, if I take even a slight interest in it, she's probably going to snatch it away.
What new things are you able to do?
Well, remember last week when I kept coming really close to turning over? I turned over my myself twice this weekend! Ever since then I seem to have forgot how I pulled it off, but I did actually do it!
Did you break Daddy's computer?
Don't blame me! I don't think I've even been in Mom and Dad's office before. Though I guess it's possible that all my photos and movies helped break it. Those HD videos take up a lot of hard drive space!
How many hours do you sleep at night?
I usually average around 11 hours, but during the past three weeks that I've been sick, they unfortunately haven't been consecutive hours. I've been getting up once or twice a night, every single night. But I'm proud to say that last night I slept all the way through for the first time in three weeks! Dad was worried that I had forgotten how to do it, so he was very relieved!
What size clothes are you wearing?
I'm in 9 month clothes right now. By the end of the year I'll probably be up to 12 months size, I bet.
Do you have an iPod yet? I hear that younger and younger kids are getting them these days.
I had an iPod the day I came home from the hospital! Technically it's Mom's old iPod mini (not a Nano; a mini!) that's about six years old. It stays in my nursery and plays an endless loop of white noise (rainfall), which helps me stay asleep (when I'm not sick, that is). And Julia has Mom's old U2 iPod that she bought during her and Dad's honeymoon (which is almost five years ago, if you can believe it!). We keep Dad's old iPod downstairs, which is loaded with all my favorite music.
How often do you get a ride in the stroller?
Daily! Somedays I use the snap-and-go, other days it's the double travel stroller, other days it's the double Mountain Buggy and still other days it's the single Mountain Buggy. I certainly never want for strollers!
What do you do while Julia's at nursery school?
Sleep, go for walks and enjoy the silence!
Are you good for Mommy when she's tired after coming home from work?
Usually when she gets home I'm about ready to turn in for the night. So we have some quiet time together while she gives me my last bottle and puts me down to sleep.
Thanks for the questions everyone! Now that our inbox is all cleaned out make sure to send us some new questions so we can do this again soon.