Before Henry devotes the rest of the week to talking about his birthday party, I wanted to chime in with a quick update (and an excuse to run this awesome photo again). First off, there were lots of tears last night as I came to to realization that giving my pipas to the Pipa Fairy - who was supposed to take my pipas away last night - meant that there were no pipas left for me. I tearfully tried to convince Mom to give me some of Henry's pipas, but no dice. Still, I went to sleep sans pipa, and in the middle of the night I rushed in to tell Mom and Dad that the Pipa Fairy had indeed come — the bowlful of my pipas we left out for her was empty!
I went to the doctor for my 3-year checkup this morning, and I've sprouted up to 39.75 inches (which keeps me in the 95th percentile) but my weight has stayed the same at 35 lbs. (I've dropped to the 85th percentile - I'm slimming down a bit!). The doctor was very impressed that I'm all done with diapers and pipas—so it was all worth it in the end. I was a very good girl as he checked me out, and I was also very brave when they drew blood for some tests (yes, there were sobs after my shot, but come on!).
No diapers, no pipas...wow, I'm almost an adult!