Guess whose third birthday it is today?
That's right, mine! How exciting! Mom and Dad brought Munchkins to school today so all my classmates could have a special treat for my birthday. And I have a few goodies for you guys, too. First up: speaking of treats, here's a cute little video about one of my favorites...
I also wanted to share some gorgeous pictures that my friend Soleil's mom took of me during Henry's birthday party on Saturday.

Aren't they amazing?
One more thing before I go. Tonight is a big night for me, one that Mom and Dad have been talking about for months. Now that I'm three, this is the night that the Pipa Fairy comes and takes all my pipas away so she can give them to a little baby girl who doesn't have any pipas. That means no more pipas for me, believe it or not. Wow, I really am getting older!