But let's look back for a second. Last August, I decided to sit on a potty for the first time...
Then in October, I tried on my big girl underwear...
...an experiment which lasted an hour, until I had an accident.
Ever since then, it's largely been a no-go on the potty front, though things had finally been picking up steam the past month or two. Finally, Mom and Dad put their foot down this weekend, taking my out of diapers and forcing me to use the potty (I do wear pull-ups when I'm sleeping and to school).
I've had a couple accidents, yes, but I've gone pee-pee and poo-poo several times on the potty. Best of all, everytime I go, I get to eat purple M&Ms!
Mom and Dad are so proud of me! But that wasn't my only big accomplishment from the past week. I started a new semester of swimming classes, and I'm now old enough to take the class all by myself. No Babcia, and no Mommy!

It's been a very eventful week, as you can see!