For months I've been asking Mom and Dad about weddings and what they're like. Thanks to Dad's cousin Kevin and his new wife Beth, I know all about them now! Last Friday I attended my very first wedding, and it was spectacular! Let's start from the beginning. Since Mom wasn't there, Grandma did my hair and made it so beautiful — and isn't this a gorgeous dress? I was all set to go!

Since the wedding was in the South, it suddenly started raining 45 minutes before the ceremony began, so we had to have it indoors (and of course, the sun was shining brightly again by the time the ceremony was over!). But no matter, because I was so excited for the wedding to begin.

It was so great - and after asking Dad for a full month if Kevin and Beth were going to kiss, I saw them do just that. And I'm still talking about that fact that when Kevin and Beth were pouring containers of white and blue sand into a larger container to represent their union, Kevin spilled some of the sand on the table. Why did he spill the sand? I'm going to keep asking until I get a good answer...and then I'll ask some more!
When the ceremony was over, it was time for the reception. And Kevin and Beth started things off on a perfect note by giving out goodie bags to me and the other kids.

And once I discovered the dance floor during cocktail hour, there was no stopping me.
I was soon joined by a 17-month-old boy named Josh, who looked a bit liked Henry.
We ended up playing and chasing each other around the dance floor. It was so much fun!

I also loved the fact that Grandma and Grandpa were there too.

I was having such a blast that I barely even noticed that I ate a couple hours later than usual.
After dinner I started going through the contents of my goodie bag, which included a glow bracelet. I pretended it was a big contact that I needed to put in my eye, like Mom and Dad do with their contacts.
Finally the music started up, and it was time to hit the dance floor again. Here I am with Aunt Pam and her mom (and Josh).
Beth saved a dance for me as well.

And Grandma spent lots of time out there with me too.

But I spent most of the night dancing with Dad.

I couldn't get enough out there! I even requested two songs from the DJ — "I Gotta Feeling" and "Paparazzi" — and was so excited when he played them.
We finally left around 10...what an amazing night! I hope other people I know start getting married so I can go to another one really soon! Thanks Kevin and Beth for inviting me!