It's Henry's 13-month birthday today — happy birthday, Henry! — but I'm the one who got to spend the day with Dad. I'm in the middle of a three-week period between the end of school and summer camp, and Mom and Dad have been taking me into their daycare centers at work a couple of days a week. So that means I get to take the train in (last week I finally got to ride on a double-decker train!), and spend some time in Dad's office playing with all the cool stuff he gets at work...like the Dr. Seuss hat you see above.
The only rough part of the day is after lunch, when I have to go back to the children's center for naptime. That's when I get weepy, because I don't want to nap and I don't want Mom and Dad to go. But I eventually calm down and start enjoying myself again.
But as much fun as I have in the city, I think I'll be even happier once summer camp starts and I'm back to my routine at home.