While we spent most of our Hilton Head visit at the wedding, on the beach or in the pool, that wasn't all that we were up to. First off, there was the flight itself. The last time I was on a plane, which was just over a year ago, I wasn't even old enough to need my own seat yet. Now I had one all to myself. And while we had lots of last-minute flight changes (our direct flight was cancelled, so we had a stopover) and long waits on the runway, I was very patient throughout.

Here I am munching on a wrap that we grabbed during our 10 minutes in the Atlanta terminal before getting on our second flight. Dad let me watch Yo Gabba Gabba! and The Princess and the Frog on the portable DVD player, with my very own kid-friendly headphones. It was great.
But not as great as our hotel. When we finally got in (a couple hours later than planned), we found out we were upgraded to a huge junior suite. It was so big that we convinced Grandma and Grandpa to check out of their hotel and stay with us!
The first morning, I got really upset when Dad made me put clothes on to go downstairs for breakfast — I just wanted to eat oatmeal in my pajamas like I usually do. Well I'm so glad I went, because every morning there was an enormous breakfast buffet.

I ate waffles, pancakes, an omelet, melon...it was so yummy!
Since Grandma ended up staying with us in the suite, I conveniently had easy access to her makeup, which is always a treat.

The resort also had a huge lobby, which we spent some time in talking to Kevin and Beth the day after their wedding.

But all the excitement — not to mention the late nights with our traveling and the wedding — left me sleepy, so I had some nice, long naps in our big bed.

Our suite also had a ginormous tub.

It was the perfect place to take a bubble bath in, so I did just that!

It was so big that Dad had to put on his bathing suit and climb in, because that's the only way he could wash me!

Finally, it was time to go home. I was sad to leave but so excited to see Mom and Henry again.

I think that's everything. I sure hope we go back there soon, this time with Mom and Henry too!