Babcia had a big birthday on Saturday, and Henry and I were excited to sing "Mnohaya Lita" and help her blow out the candles on her birthday cake. Happy birthday Babcia!
What fun—and the cake was delicious too!
Here's a cute photo of Mom helping Babcia celebrate her birthday.
I had a couple more odds and ends to share with you, like this photo of my getting my hair cut a couple weeks ago.
And here's an adorable video of Henry and I hugging...and hugging...and hugging...
I'm one tough dude. You do not want to mess with me! First off, I'm a "Wild One," just like my bib says. And more importantly, check out the tattoo on my left arm.
It's a firetruck tat. That's some serious ink! javascript:void(0)
Notice anything different about this picture? That's right, no more highchair! For the past couple weeks, I'm been sitting at the table alongside Mom, Dad and Julia, in my very own booster seat.
Meanwhile, Julia, who used to have a seat at the end of the table, has moved next to Mom, so now we've taken the highchair and the fifth seat out of the kitchen and opened up a lot more space.
Have a great weekend. Next week, Mom, Julia and I are going to be away at Ukrainian camp, but Dad has promised to upload a few new posts from Julia and me.
Two weeks ago, Henry and I took our first trip of the year to Sesame Place. Oh how we had missed it! We had initially planned to go there on Saturday and Sunday, but Henry had been a bit under the weather earlier in the week so we just went on Sunday. No matter: we still had a great time. Saturday afternoon we drove down to the hotel, and splashed around in the hotel pool before bed. Then Sunday morning, we had breakfast with some of our favorite characters, like Ernie...
And Bert...
And Abby Cadabby...
And Big Bird...
And last but not least, Cookie Monster!
Then it was time to go on the rides. We all went on the Flying Fish (Mom too, even though she doesn't like it).
Then Dad took Henry and I on Big Bird's Balloon Race.
I was happy to discover that they had installed a new ride for this year: the same swing ride that Audrey and I loved so much at Victorian Gardens! Then I went on the carousel.
Here are the highlights of our first Sesame Place trip of the year:
But I'm forgetting the most important part: the reason we chose this particular weekend to visit Sesame Place is because our favorite musician, Dan Zanes, was performing there.
We had a blast dancing to his music!
Well, for a little while at least, then we got tired out and had to go. Here's a second video from the concert. As you can see, Henry eventually found another way to entertain himself while the concert was going on.
And that was our day. We wished we could have stayed longer, and that it had been warm enough to go on some water rides, but that's okay: we'll be back again soon!
Usually, Mom and Dad get home from work too late for us to do anything fun on weeknights, but a couple weeks ago, they both were home a bit earlier than usual. And we took advantage of it by going to a local church carnival. We stayed just long enough for Henry and I to go on a couple rides, including a funhouse/obstacle course hybrid with a super-fun slide that we both loved. Dad had to help Henry a bit, but we had the best time!. Take a look:
And it turns out that the little carnival excursion was just a warmup for the fun trip we took that weekend...but you'll have to come back tomorrow for that story!
For the past month or so, I've finally been taking swimming lessons. Every Saturday morning, Dad and I go to Little Gym and then go for a swimming lesson at the Y. As you can imagine, I love it, especially splashing around and dumping water on myself. But I've also learned to kick, "reach and pull" and blow bubbles (though I have to work on my bubble-blowing skills). Last Saturday, I even dunked my entire head underwater...twice!
For me, another highlight of my swimming lessons is clowning around in the locker room. Try and find me, Dad!
Mom and Julia stopped by during one of my recent classes and took a little video of Dad and me in the pool. Take a look:
Sadly, Saturday night is the last class of this semester. I hope the next semester starts really soon!
As of last Friday, I am officially done with preschool. Next up is pre-K. Last week, we held a special celebration where we marched and sang songs for our families (Mon, Dad, Babcia, Dido, Grandma, Grandpa and Henry were all there to cheer me on). As was the case last year, I got to be one of the leaders and hold the flag as we marched, said the Pledge of Allegiance and sang "Grand Old Flag."
After that, we sang several more songs, including "Getting to Know You" and "Oh What a Miracle am I." We tried to whistle at one point, though as my teacher pointed out, I'm one of the only kids who can actually whistle.
After the concert was done, we had snacks and I posed with my friends Isabella and Jasmine.
Henry, meanwhile, went straight to his favorite spot at my school: the sandbox.
I think we all know where he'll be spending most of his time next year when he goes to nursery school!
Here's a video of highlights from our celebration (and in case you were wondering, the energetic boy next to me is named Jack).
I'll miss preschool, but I'm already so excited for pre-K!
Beside Henry and my birthdays, the other big late May event in our area is that the irises are in bloom at the big Iris Gardens around the corner from our house. This year they had a big festival to celebrate the peak weekend, and I was excited to see that they had face painting.
We stood in a loooong line, but I was very patient until it was my turn. I knew exactly what I wanted: a Hello Kitty painting. The woman went right to work.
And here's the finished work:
Doesn't it look cute? I made sure to pose with some of the irises before we left.
Julia and I had the best visit the other week with our friends Audrey and Carl. Last fall, we met up with them at a great amusement park called Adventureland. This time around, we found another fun place to meet up and go on some terrific rides: Victorian Gardens in Central Park. Every summer, they set up rides over Wollman Rink and turn the place into a fun theme park. We had the best time there.
They have boat rides...
And trucks...
And my favorite, hopping frogs...
There was a swing ride too, but I was too little to go on it, so only Julia and Audrey got to go.
Just wait until next year! My other favorite ride besides the frog was the little rollercoaster, which was so much fun. I was shrieking with delight, and kept saying "More rollercoaster!" every time I got off.
Not only were the rides great, it was fun spending time with Audrey and Carl.
And our moms, who were neighbors growing up, had fun spending the day together as well!
Here are the highlights of our day — you can see how excited I am on the rides!
Thanks for stopping by! We've both been blogging up a storm since literally the day we were born. Check back frequently for the latest news about our hectic lifestyles, along with plenty of cute photos and videos. (To find out what Julia was up to before Henry came along, visit
And please don't forget to send a message to Julia and Henry! Whether you'd like to contribute a question for an upcoming Ask Julia & Henry column or just say hello, we'd love to hear from you.
Julia's Tweets: Actual things I've said
Henry's Tweets: My latest amazing feats
Our current stats
Julia Age: 5 years Height: 45 1/4 inches Weight: 47 lbs. Clothing size: 6T
Henry Age: 3 years Height: 38 1/2 inches Weight: 31 lbs. Clothing size: 3T
Our blog glossary
Babcia (BOP-cha)/Bobbi – Babcia is the Ukrainian word for grandmother. This is what Julia and Henry call their Mom's mother. (Their Dad's mother is called Grandma.) Julia had trouble pronouncing Babcia at first, so Babcia shortened it to Bobbi — her late brother was named Bobby —which was easier for Julia to say. So now Julia knows her as Bobbi.
Dido (DEE-doh) – Ukrainian word for grandfather. This is what Julia and Henry call their Mom's father. (Their Dad's father is called Grandpa.)
Mnohaya lita (MNO-high-ya LEE-ta) – A Ukrainian celebratory phrase uttered at almost all festive occasions. It is also a song sung at weddings, birthdays and other times when congratulations are in order.
Pipa (PIP-ah) – Pypka is the Ukrainian word for pacifier, but Julia shortened that to pipa.